The coveted wrench, cast in bronze or silver, it will open the door of the machine, apartments, cottages and in the treasury. The key symbolizes the soon access to housing, since it is not necessary to be confined in a small apartment, before you open up endless possibilities!
Pendant Monetary of the frog is a talisman of wealth, leaves no prosperity other pathways, in addition to live in your home. Convex image reptile promises a quick modification in money matters, and obstinate frog its accuracy is not lost.
Clover, eva and Quatrefoil - not only the signs of love and creativity, but also symbolizes the good luck and the success of commercial transactions. The magical power tender plant is nourished with the natural subsoil. Purchase bronze from the leaf of clover and things at work will go to the mountain, it is possible that the heads gives the longed-for promotion.

Turtles of coins in the back intended to make happy to each holder of the medal, the planet of the Turtles.
Dig up the treasure of gold coins you don't have to - all of what makes the hanging of the Shovel, which is deeply buried treasure and will bring you to the palm of the hand. Grant and he would realize that, as at some point it opened new opportunities and pathways of development, and the members of the family have been left to suffer the waste and spend money.
Another amulet of luck and money - in the form of a horseshoe in the happiness protects the house from misfortune and disasters, leads to a side of the disease, offering tranquility, well-being, prosperity. If you need the protection of a home, on the best horseshoe in the role of protector of the pet not find.
Powerful amulet to attract money - the longevity of a Crane, improving the conditions of life, restores the physical strength, corrects the well-being, and is responsible for the happy family "nest" and the joy in him, harmonizes the relationships between relatives.
Rune amulets in the money
The runes are the signs of the writing, which was used by the slavs and the population that lives in the north of europe. Each rune symbol is a powerful energy, that is why the runes are painted the skin, the flags and the guard, in particular, when I didn't have enough money. If the spell is composed of various characters of the action of the pet even stronger.
The opinions of the people, who already benefited from them, the more enthusiastic. Some point unexpectedly, job offers, others indicate that the increase of salary. As it is shown the amulet to attract money and prosperity?

- Becomes patient and loyal to their bosses.
- Successfully added long ago to the activities planned, promising a good income.
- Risky and doubtful, the matter becomes profitable.
If the holder of the apotropaic dreamed of with convert favorite pastime, in a structured set of business, suddenly found the people and opportunities that can help in the realization of the desire.
Rune talismans of good that does not destroy the personality, the wealth becomes a state of the person, without material concerns and neglect others. The gods help us through the runes, it is only necessary to believe in a Higher Power.
As to charge the amulet on the money?
If you have already purchased you like pendant for prosperity and financial wealth, you must activate it. Mages share their own special moves. transforming symbolic ornament in the magic of an artifact:
- Place it on the table of the coin and light a candle.
- Place the suspension at the top.
- Say the spell: "In the east there is a Holy Mountain, where stands the fort of the lord in the temple, and the temple is the throne of god. As this the throne of the sentence in the center of the altar indestructible, because I am a servant of god (Name), I will be eternally swim in the abundance. Let wealth get in the house, and the disgrace and the wrong time to drop out."
- Do not turn off the candle, that burns. After this date, the amulets and talismans can be considered loaded.
The magi, for in the house were carried away money, perform a ritual of activation of amulets:

- Wait for the full moon and contact with the moon, with the palms of the hands on the medallion.
- Say with faith and sincerity: "the Moon, make it so that this talisman money attracted, and collected the money. No, let me in poverty and help to get out of the misery. Let the amulet in the pocket put and the misery will keep it."
Charged with the energy of the owner and of the moon amulets that attract the money, they want reverence and respect, so that the save as the nina of your eyes. The longer it remains under the hand of its owner, the more effect it has on a family of abundance. Order the amulet of good luck and wealth in our web site, never the answer the Universe had not come to you as soon as this happens with the new suspension.